Jamie Schaefer

Coming home

Jamie Schaefer
Coming home

Tomorrow morning we leave Rome for Singapore where we plan to sit poolside for a few days. It’s a mini holiday to recover from ‘the’ holiday (how outrageous).

Coming home after all this time is a strange concept. There’s a mixture of excited anticipation and deep grief amongst us: I am sure everyone can guess where I sit on the spectrum.

Our three months away has been an incredible and epic adventure. I’d go so far as to say it’s been a game changer.

Has it been a creative sabbatical? Absolutely! We have seen things, smelt things, tasted things and heard things that have set off wee explosions in our heads. We have stopped and appreciated minuscule, sometimes even mundane, things and often generated a handful of ideas from them. We are rested and fired up to return and create magical results for our clients.

We have the photographic and video memories to keep the holiday alive for each of us, particularly the little girls. And judging by our bulging suitcases we will be surrounded by nostalgic reminders throughout the house. And we absolutely have a lifetime of dinner conversations to draw from.

But mostly what we have is the experience of the best and biggest team building exercise you could imagine. We are a tight-knit unit now - consolidated through our shared experiences and the many, many conversations that have been had over the 14 weeks.  We have learnt much about each other and about how we work together as a family. Much to my happy surprise we have not grown weary of each other.  We are still enjoying each other’s company and it will be a sad moment when next Monday morning Jamie heads down to the studio and Hettie and I drop the three big kids off at school.

And the lessons for us are clear. Firstly, you have to dream. Crazy, big, seemingly impossible dreams. And then make them happen. That’s how you feel alive.

And secondly, family is everything. It’s the best community you can have. A ready-made team providing each of us with support, fun, admiration and…love.

For now we are signing off. Ready for a new dream. But, as our new video shows, still dancing.

Thanks for coming on the adventure with us xx