Day One in Paris

Paris put on a beautiful day for our introduction to Europe. What the photos don't show is that it was absolutely freezing - 2 degrees when we arrived and it did not get into double figures. Expecting three months of beautiful weather we have arrived woefully unprepared for the cold. Our first stop was Petit Bateau where I fed my obsession with navy quite nicely. We explored the Marais while we waited for our apartment to become available and the children were fascinated by Place des Vosges with its matching houses and orderly landscaping.
Once we had found our new home we decided to go for a wander to the Seine. Jamie decided to navigate and managed to lead us in the opposite direction. What initially started as frustration ended as a happy surprise when we realised we had happened upon Jardin de Luxembourg.
Two quintessentially elegant French locations. It's lovely to be here.