Princesses and a Queen

It seems that every visit to Paris needs to begin with a ride up the Seine to get one’s bearings and mentally tick off seeing most of the major monuments in Paris.
I was quite enjoying listening to Florian, our dapper tour guide who effortlessly flicked between French (be still my beating heart) and English (with a French accent, a close second to the real deal). My happy place, though, only lasted a few minutes.
'Ladies and Gentlemen to your left we have the conciegerie where Marie Antoinette was...' I faded off, sure that I had absorbed enough of History 105 to just enjoy the sound of Florian's voice.
The problem is, sometimes when you're three years old things can take on a lot more importance than is really necessary. And sometimes it's very hard to move on.
Such was Hettie's complete obsession for the day. The Queen who was killed was clearly an interesting tale. One that required further investigation. Where did they kill her? How did they kill her? What did they do to her after they chopped off her head? Who took her head? Did her man get his head chopped off too? Did her little girl get her head chopped off? Where is she now?
I will remind my little princesses of Marie Antoinette's woeful tale as they get older: The queen who had her head chopped off. Always remain humble, treat people with respect and cake is best eaten with friends.